Redditch Manufactures starting with R
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Rabone & Bayliss - Hearth Furniture Manufacturers
Trading from: 1962 to 1962
Recorded in the 1948/9 Midland Counties Trade Directory as Rabone & Bayliss, Hearth Furniture Manufacturers, George Street, Curbs, Box Curbs, Slipper Boxes and Log Boxes.
Source: JC - Trade Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Rattue & Arnold - Spring Manufacturer
Source: JC - Redditch Civic & Commercial Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Reading Turner & Co. - Needle & Fish Hook Manufacturer
Trading from: 1850 to 1850
Source: JC - Slater's Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Reading Turner & Co. - Fish Hook Manufacturers
Trading from: 1873 to 1873
Source: JC - Littlebury's Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Reading Turner & Co. - Fishing Tackle Manufacturers
Trading from: 1873 to 1873
Source: JC - Littlebury's Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Reading Turner & Co. - Needle Manufacturer
Trading from: 1924 to 1924
Source: JC - Bennett's Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Redditch Electro Plating Co., Ltd. - Electro Plating
Trading from: 1962 to 1962
In the 1948/9 Midland Counties Directory it stated Redditch Electro Plating Co. Ltd. Worcester Road
Source: JC - Trade Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Redditch Tackle Co. - Fishing Tackle Manufacturers
Source: JC - Redditch Civic & Commercial Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
The Redditch Spring Co. Ltd. - Spring Manufacturers
Trading from: 1962 to 1962
Recorded in the 1948/9 Midland Counties Trade Directory as Redditch Spring Co. Ltd., Prospect Works, London Office 70 Finsbury Pavement EC2., Manufacturers of Supersteel Springs Presswork Wire Work Elc.
Source: JC - Trade Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Redditch Rod Ring & Swivel Co. Ltd. - Fishing Tackle & Rod Manufacturers
Source: JC - Redditch and District Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Redditch Manufacturing Co. - Fish Hook Manufacturer
Gresham Works Gresham Works
Trading from: 1954 to 1954
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Redditch Hosiery Needles Ltd. - Needle Manufacturers
Trading from: 1962 to 1962
Source: JC - Trade Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Redditch Hosiery Needles Ltd. - Needle Manufacturer
Trading from: 1954 to 1954
The Directory also stated Reg. Office 10 Unicorn Hill and R.H. N Works, Ipsley Street
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Redditch Electro Plating Co., Ltd. - Electro Platers
Trading from: 1962 to 1962
Source: JC - Trade Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Redditch Spring Co. Ltd. - Spring Manufacturer
Prospect Works Clive Road
Bennett's Directory also stated Prospect Works, Clive Road
Source: JC - Redditch Civic & Commercial Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Redditch Electro Plating Co., Ltd. - Electro Platers
Trading from: 1954 to 1954
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Redditch Fishing Rod Manufacturers Co. Ltd. - Fishing Rod Manufacturers
Trading from: 1954 to 1954
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
The Redditch Spring Co. Ltd. - Press Workers
Prospect Works Clive Road
Information taken from 1962 Redditch and District Directory also stated Prospect Works, Clive Road and also at 2 Deansway, London N. 2.
Source: JC - Redditch and District Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Renown Springs Ltd. - Spring Manufacturer
Bennett's Directory also stated Cedar Works, Hewell Road
Source: JC - Redditch Civic & Commercial Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Renown Springs Ltd. - Pressings
Information taken from 1962 Redditch and District Directory also stated Cedar Works, Hewell Road
Source: JC - Redditch and District Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
E. D. Rickards & Co. - Needle (Machine) Manufacturer, Surgical Needle Manufacturers Spring Manufacturer
Information taken from Bennett's Directory of Worcestershire had an advert, E. D. Rickards & Co., Wellington Works, Surgical Needles & Boot and Shoe Awls for Machine & Handwork, Astwood Bank.
Source: JC - Redditch Civic & Commercial Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
E. D. Rickards & Co. - Spring Manufacturer
Information taken from Bennett's Directory of Worcestershire also stated Wellington Works, Astwood Bank
Source: JC - Redditch Civic & Commercial Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
E. D. Rickards & Co. - Surgical Needle Manufacturers
Wellington Works Astwood Bank
Bennett's Directory also stated Wellington Works, Astwood Bank
Source: JC - Redditch Civic & Commercial Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
E. D. Rickards & Co. - Pressings
Wellington Works Astwood Bank
Information taken from 1962 Redditch and District Directory also stated Wellington Works, Astwood Bank
Source: JC - Redditch and District Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Roberts & Lee - Needle Manufacturers
Trading from: 1962 to 1962
Source: JC - Trade Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Roberts & Lee - Needle, Fish Hook & Smallware Manufacturer
Greet Mills Albert Street
Trading from: 1940 to 1940
Bennett's Directory also stated they were at Greet Mills, Albert Street.
Source: JC - Bennett's Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Roberts & Lee - Needle Manufacturer
Trading from: 1954 to 1954
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Samuel Roberts - Needle & Fish Hook Manufacturer
Trading from: 1829 to 1829
Source: JC - Pigot's Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
Albert J. Rogers - Fishing Rod Manufacturers
Source: JC - Redditch Civic & Commercial Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
A. E. Rudge & Son - Fishing Rod & Tackle Manufacturers
Trading from: 1954 to 1954
Source: JC - Trade Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
A. E. Rudge & Son - Fishing Rod & Tackle Manufacturers
Trading from: 1954 to 1954
The Directory also stated Unity Works, Other Road
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
A. E. Rudge & Son - Fishing Tackle Manufacturers
Source: JC - Redditch Civic & Commercial Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
A. E. Rudge & Son - Fishing Tackle & Rod Manufacturers
Information taken from 1962 Redditch and District Directory also stated Unity Works, Other Road
Source: JC - Redditch and District Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
S. A. Russell & Co. - Fishing Tackle Manufacturers
Bennett's Directory also stated Lion Works, George Street
Source: JC - Redditch Civic & Commercial Directory
There is no data yet available for manufactures starting with R
S. A. Russell & Co. - Fishing Rod & Tackle Manufacturers
Trading from: 1948 to 1954
Source: JC - Trade Directory